Remedial Massage Therapy

remedial /rɪˈmiː.di.əl/
adjective “intended to improve or correct something”


GIVE is an acronym for




To have good intention is to bring positive energy to our words and actions, making possible our goals and desires, bringing them closer to our reality.


To have good vibration is to increase the frequency, making it higher and often more powerful and purposeful.


To have good energy is to infuse the area around oneself with love and light, so that those who enter that space feel and experience that warmth.

A brief introduction

At GIVE Therapies, the focus of the business is to facilitate the healing and growth of our clients.
Our goal is to help treat everything from day-to-day tensions and niggles to traumatic injury, strain, burnout and everything in between.
Through manual therapy and education we aim to activate a healing response and ultimately achieve relaxation, general comfort and wellness.
The human body is infinitely capable of self-healing, and the practitioners at GIVE Therapies work towards unleashing its full power, giving it a nudge in the right direction.

What we offer

When you book in for a remedial massage, your treatment will be a combination of any modalities or techniques available that you would like or that the practitioner recommends. If there are specific modalities that you would like to try or that have worked well for your body in the past, feel free to make a specific request when you make the booking or when you arrive for your appointment.

Remidial Massage Give Therapies Patient on Back

What our clients say